Work Experience
Tutor, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Christian Medical College, Vellore, July 2008 – December 2008 Senior Registrar, Department of Critical Care Medicine, Sundaram Medical Foundation, Chennai,
January 2009 – December 2009Registrar cum Junior Consultant, Department of Critical Care Medicine & Intensive Care Services, Apollo Hospitals,
Chennai, 2010 – 2011Consultant Pulmonologist & Sleep Disorder Specialist, Yashoda Hospital, Malakpet,
2011 – 2013Interventional Pulmonologist & Sleep Disorder Specialist, Citizens Hospital, Hyderabad, 2013 – 2015Presently Working in Apollo Hospitals Jublee hills, Hyd since last Assignment.
Special Interests
Interventional pulmonology (TBNA, TBLB, EBUS-Linear, EBUS-Radial, Thoracoscopy, Endo bronchial procedures like balloon tracheoplasty & bronchoplasty, Endobronchial Laser. Cryotherapy, Airway stenting (Silicone & Self expanding mettalic), Rigid bronchoscopy etc…
Sleep Medicine (Snoring evaluation & Management, Sleep Apnea syndrome)
Pulmonology Interstitial lung diseaseCritical Care: ARDS n Septic Shock with MODS
Awards and Achievements
Conducted Thoracoscopy, Bronchoscopy n EBUS workshops on animal models at various centres in AP & TelenganaOrganised & Chaired an International Conference, ASPIRE 2016Organised an National Conference on Sleep
Disorders – Sleepcon -2015Actively participated on media to increase the public awareness on common & important health problems like Sleep Apnea, Asthma, Smoking, COPD & Pollution related health hazards.

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