Dr Vennela Rajamouli
Experience : 21 + years
Med Reg No : 8961
040 – 2455 6257     
MBBS, DD (Diploma in Dermatology from OMC)
- Worked as Dermatologist in Osmania Hospital, Hyderabad
- Private Practice Treating skin cases since more than two Decades
Services offered
- Phototherapy in treating psoriasis and Vitiligo cases
- Treating clinical dermatology
- STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases) Including HIV
Special Interest and Expertise
- Treating psoriasis and leprosy cases
- Cosmetic dermatology laser in dermatology
- Removal of warts, skin tags etc.Through radio frequency (RF) & electrocautery
Professional Membership
IADVL - Indian Association of Dermatologists, Venereologists and Leprologists
Research & Publications
Experience in treating sexually transmitted diseases including HIV.Worked on estimating CD4 count at various stages of HIV disease and effect of antiretroviral therapy in controlling the disease.
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