Dr V Rajashekar
Interventional Cardiologist
Experience : 21 + Years
Med Reg No : 13586
040 – 4567 4567     
MD, DM (Cardiology)
Work Experience
- 2010 - To Present Consultant Cardiologist, Yashoda Hospitals
- 2005 - 2010 - Consultant cardiologist
- 2003 - 2005 - Consultant cardiologist
- 1998-2003 Consultant cardiologist 1997-1998 - Senior Registrar
Services offered
- Clinical Cardiology and Risk Management
- Electrophysiology and device implant
- Interventional Cardiology - Including Complex Coronary Intervention likely Left main stent, Bifurcation stenting , Graft Stenting, ECMO supported interventions Aortic intervention including EVAR
- Structural intervention - Balloon intervention for valve disease
- Electrophogiphy and catheter ablation of arrhythmias
- Implantation of pacemaker, AICA, Cardiac Respiratory Therapy (CRT-D)
- Rotablator,IVVS, FFR assisted interventions
- Peripheral Vascular Interventions.
Awards and Achievements
Times Group - Best Cardiologist Award 2017
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