Dr Uday Kumar Hosad
Interventional Cardiologist
Experience : 21 + Years
Med Reg No : 44381
40 – 4567 4567     
MD, DM (Cardiology)
Work Experience
- 2005 - till Date Yashoda Hospital - Sr Consultant Interventional
- Cardiologist 2000 - 2005 Consultant Cardiologist
- 1997- 2000 Consultant Cardiologist
Special Interests
- Interventional Cardiology, Cardiology Research
- Pediatric Cardiology, Heart Failure Management
- Fetal Eho, Cardiac support devices
Services offered
- Cardiac interventions
- Paediatric Cardiology services
- Heart failure Management Clinic
- Hypertension Management Clinic
- Cardiac Devices
Research & Publications
- 84G A mutation in CETP is associated with Coronary Artery Disease in South Indians. Ganesh M, Nizamuddin S, Katkam S. K, Kumaraswami K, Hosad U. K, Lobo L. L, Kutala V. K, Thangaraj K. Plos One , 2016 oct 21; 11(10):e0164151, doi: 10.1371/ journal.pohe.0164151
- Small for gestational - age versus appropriate for gestational age: Comparison of cord blood lipid profile & insulin levels in new borns ( SAGA - ACT study ), Lobo L. L, Kumar H. U, Mishra T, Sundari T , Singha et al. Indian J Med Res.2016 Aug; 144(2): 194-199 doi: 10.4103/0971-5916. 195025
- Autonomic Nemal Regulation Therapy to Enhance Myocardial infarction in patients with heart failure and preserved ejection fraction (ANTHEM - HFPEF) study
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