Dr Swapna Kunduru
Dermatologist & Cosmeotologist
+91 40 67000000     
Dr.Swapna Kunduru is a Consultant Dermatologist at the department of Dermatology, Continental Hospitals. She is also an aesthetic specialist with extensive experience and training both in India and UK. She regularly attends dematology conferences and presents papers on the latest developments in her field. Her expertise areas include Chemical Peels, Dermaroller, Medical Mircrodermabrasion among others
Areas of interest
Chemical Peels (Trained in London, UK), Dermaroller (Trained in Ayelsbury,UK),Medical Microdermabrasion (Trained in Ayelsbury,UK), Botox and fillers, IPL system and Diode laser, Electrocautery, Needle Extirpation, Cryosurgery, Skin biopsy, Dressings and wound care, Patch testing for eczema, Phototherapy
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