Dr Sreekanth Appasani
Medical Gastroenterologist
Experience : 15 + Years
Med Reg No : 49190
40 4567 4567     
- DM (Gastroenterology): Post Graduate Institute of Medical Education and Research, Chandigarh, 2009-2011
- MD (Internal Medicine): Nizam’s Institute of Medical Sciences, Hyderabad, 2004-2006
- Internship: King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam, AP, 2002-2003
- MBBS: Andhra Medical College, Visakhapatnam, 1997-2002
- Consultant Medical Gastroenterologist, Continental Hospitals, Hyderabad (2013-2018)
- Senior Research Associate in the department of gastroenterology, PGIMER (January 2012 - March 2013)
- Senior resident, Department of Gastroenterology, PGIMER, Chandigarh (January 2009 - December 2011)
- Senior resident, Department of Gastroenterology, NIMS, Hyderbad (July 2008 - December 2008)
- Senior resident, Department of Gastroenterology, Andhra Medical College, King George Hospital, Visakhapatnam (November 2007 - June 2008)
- Specialist physician at Lazarus Hospital, Visakhapatnam (January 2007 - October 2007)
- Junior Resident, Department of Medicine, NIMS, Hyderabad (January 2004 - December 2006)
Special Interest and Expertise
- Diagnostic Endoscopy (Esophago-gastroduodenoscopy, Colonoscopy, Double balloon enteroscopy, Narrow Band Imaging)
- Therapeutic Endoscopy (Endoscopic variceal banding, Endoscopic sclerotherapy, Endo-clipping, Endo-looping, Polypectomy, Argon plasma coagulation, Endoscopic dilatation, SEMS placement)
- ERCP (Biliary endotherapy, Pancreatic endotherapy, Endoscopic cystogastrostomy)
- Endoscopic Ultrasound (Diagnostic pancreaticobiliary EUS, Anorectal EUS, Esophageal EUS, Gastric EUS, Mediastinum EUS EUS guided FNAC EUS guided cystogastrostomy EUS guided celiac plexus neurolysis)
- Manometry (Conventional manometry, High resolution manometry)
- Liver Biopsy (Tru-cut liver biopsy)
Professional Membership
- Indian Society of Gastroenterology
- Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy of India
- Indian National Association for the study of Liver
- Association of Physicians of India
Research & Publications
- Role of serum fibronectin, serum d-dimer and other coagulation parameter levels in the diagnosis and prediction of severity in acute pancreatitis. We have studied 90 patients with acute pancreatitis and serially followed them with serum analysis for these markers during in hospital stay. We have correlated these markers with various clinical parameters and events occurring in acute pancreatitis. We intend to analyze their serum NFKB, TNF-alpha, IL levels and study the cytokine storm pattern occurring in acute pancreatitis.
- Effect of N-Acetyl Cysteine, Collagenase, Papain/Urea, Fibrinolysin and Streptokinase on pancreatic necrosis and blood vessels in vitro. We are studying the effect of these proteolytic and mucolytic agents on pancreatic necrotic tissue. This in-vitro study findings could supplement the ongoing treatment options for percutaneous drainage in walled off pancreatic necrosis which is currently being managed with surgery. This study is in the completion phase and awaiting pathological confirmation of our observations.
- Low Molecular Weight Heparin in the Treatment of Severe Acute Pancreatitis A Single Centre Open Labeled Prospective Randomized Controlled Trial. Based on our previous research findings of D-Dimer levels in acute pancreatitis, our postulations that giving heparin could prevent complications and organ failure by preserving the pancreatic microcirculation. This study is going on in PGIMER, Chandigarh and presently being planned to be made a multi centre trial.
- Role of 13NH3 PET/CT in delineating pancreatic necrosis in patients with acute pancreatitis as compared to contrast enhanced CT – results of a pilot study. Raghava Kashyap, Bhagwant Rai Mittal, Abdul Khaliq, Manish Manrai, Niranjan Khandelwal, Sreekanth Appasani, Anish Bhattacharya, Rakesh Kochhar. Pancreatology. 2014 May-Jun;14(3):154-8.
- Mega stents - New option for management of leaks following laparoscopic sleeve gastrectomy. Basha Jahangeer, Sreekanth Appasani, Saroj Kant Sinha, Pradeep Siddappa, Harpal Singh Dhaliwal, Ganga Ram Verma, Rakesh Kochhar. Accepted in Endoscopy Journal for UCTN.
- Hypotension in the First Week of Acute Pancreatitis and APACHE II Score Predict Development of Infected Pancreatic Necrosis. Thandassery RB, Yadav TD, Dutta U, Appasani S, Singh K, Kochhar R. Dig Dis Sci. 2014 Mar 13.
- Implementation of the Asia-Pacific Guidelines of Obesity Classification on the APACHE-O Scoring System and Its Role in the Prediction of Outcomes of Acute Pancreatitis: A Study from India. Thandassery RB, Appasani S, Yadav TD, Dutta U, Indrajit A, Singh K, Kochhar R. Dig Dis Sci. 2013 Dec 28.
- Stents for benign and malignant esophageal strictures. Hourneaux de Moura EG, Toma K, Goh KL, Romero R, Dua KS, Felix VN, Levine MS, Kochhar R, Appasani S, Gusmon CC. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 2013 Oct;1300:119-43.
- Endoscopic ultrasound assisted etiological localization in acute pancreatitis. Appasani S, Basha J, Singh K, Kochhar R. Endosc Ultrasound 2013;2:162-4.
- A path uncommonly traveled. Sreekanth Appasani, Jahangeer Basha, Kartar Singh, Rakesh Kochhar. Annals of Gastroenterology (2013) 26, 1.
- Biodegradable stents: truly biodegradable with good tissue harmony. Basha J, Appasani S, Vaiphei K, Gupta V, Singh K, Kochhar R. Endoscopy. 2013 May;45 Suppl 2:E116-7.
- Dynamic nature of organ failure in severe acute pancreatitis: the impact of persistent and deteriorating organ failure. Thandassery RB, Yadav TD, Dutta U, Appasani S, Singh K, Kochhar R. HPB (Oxford). 2013 Jul;15(7):523-8.
- Prospective validation of 4-category classification of acute pancreatitis severity. Thandassery RB, Yadav TD, Dutta U, Appasani S, Singh K, Kochhar R. Pancreas. 2013 Apr;42(3):392-6
- Celiac disease presenting as recurrent pancreatitis and pseudocyst. Basha J, Appasani S, Vaiphei K, Singh K, Kochhar R. JOP. 2012 Sep 10;13(5):533-5.
- Celiac Disease Complicated By Lymphoma: A Case Report. Jahangeer Basha, Sreekanth Appasani, Pankaj Dixit, Kim Vaiphei, Kartar Singh, Rakesh Kochhar. Accepted in Tropical Gastroenterology.
- Biliary stent with a tied suture! Rana SS, Bhasin DK, Appasani S, Rao C, Singh K. Gastrointest Endosc. 2012 Sep;76(3):669-71.
- Fluid replacement in acute pancreatitis. Sreekanth Appasani, Kuchhangi S. Poornachandra, Rakesh Kochhar. Nutritional Therapy & Metabolism 2012; 30(2);67-78.
- Lamotrigine Induced Vanishing Bile Duct Syndrome in a Child. Bhayana H, Appasani S, Thapa BR, Das A, Singh K. J Pediatr Gastroenterol Nutr. 2012 Dec;55(6):e147-8.
- Hepatic artery aneurysm: a rare presentation as cholangitis and portal hypertension. Noor MT, Dutta U, Appasani S, Kochhar R, Singh K. Gastrointest Endosc. 2012 Jan;75(1):190
- An Uncommon Cause of Dysphagia. Khaliq A, Kochhar R, Vaiphei K, Kochhar R, Appasani S, Singh K. Dysphagia. 2012 Mar;27(1):145-7.
- Benign gastric outlet obstruction – spectrum and management. Appasani S, Kochhar S, Nagi B, Gupta V, Kochhar R. Tropical Gastroenterology 2011;32(4):259–266
Awards and Achievements
- NATIONAL ITEGRATION AWARD on the eve of republic day 2015 for services rendered in the field of gastroenterology
- VAIDYA RATNA AWARD in Sankranti Puraskar 2015 by Suman Art Theaters for services rendered in the field of gastroenterology
- Travel award @ APDW 2012 for the paper on “Comparison of balloon vs bougie dilators in esophageal strictures”
- Young investigator award @ APDW 2012 for the paper on “Role of ammonia – positron emission tomography and computed tomography in acute pancreatitis”
- Dr. C. Sita Devi & Dr. Raja Ram Mohan Reddy endowment prize for gold medal in biochemistry
- Dr. C. Rama Murthy Memorial Prize for gold medal in Microbiology
- Gold medal in Pharmacology
- Merit certificate for the highest marks in university for Pharmacology
- Dr. Bhaskara Menon Memorial Prize for gold medal in Pathology
- Gold medal in Otorhinolaryngology
- Dr. P Kutumbaiah Prize for best performance in Clinical Medicine
- Dr. Vemuri Siva Rao Memorial Gold Medal in General Medicine
- Dr. Rama Murthy memorial Prize for gold medal in Paediatrics
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