MBBS; MRCPCH(UK); Fellow Paediatric Neurology (GOSH, UK)
Work Experience
- Clinical Fellow and Specialist Registrar: Paediatric Neurology andc Neuromuscular disorders (Dubowitz Neuromuscular Centre) Great Ormond Street Hospital, London. Dec 08-Oct 10
- Senior House Officer: Community Paediatrics (Developmental Paediatrics) Dartord, Gravesham and Swanley PCT, Kent. Feb- Aug 2004.
- Senior House Officer: Neonatology (Neonatal Neurology and Neuromuscular Conditions) Queen Charlotte's and Chelsea Hospital (Hammersmith Hospital) London. February- August 2006.
Research and Publications
Seizure outcome in infantile spasms--a retrospective study. Mohamed BP, Scott RC, Desai N, Gutta P, Patil S.Epilepsia. 2011 Apr;52(4):746-52. The effect of Stimulant medication on growth in children with ADHD.
Poster at the 39th Danube Symposium and 1st International congress on ADHD 2007, Wuerzburg, Germany, Lek N, Mittal A, Gutta P, Perera S.‘Growth may be impaired among boys with ADHD on long−term stimulant medication’ as a poster, at the 35th British Society for Paediatric Endocrine and Diabetes ( BSPED) September 2007..
Professional Membership
Member of International Child Neurology Association ( ICNA), British Paediatric Neurology Association (BPNA), Indian Paediatric Neurology Forum Certified by PET ( Paediatric Eilepsy Training) level 1,2 and 3.
Awards and Achievements
Invited as guest speaker at various regional and national meetings,National Neonatal forum NEOCON 2013, AP and TS NEOCON 2015, Conducted EEG and Neuro-developmental workshops for AP and TS APPEDICON 2011, 2015. Trainer for Paediatric Epilesy Training ( PET level 1) certification course.

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