Naga Sunanda, is a Dietitian and also certified lactation consultant with a Master’s Degree in Food Sciences & Nutrition from Sri Sathya Sai University. She has been providing nutritional counseling since 2012, and has helped thousands of people to maintain a healthy diet and keep it on. She started her career life as Registered Dietitian intern at Asian Institute of Gastroenterology, and has helped her patients mainly in Pediatrics and adult nutrition, especially for intensive critical patients, and dramatically improve the quality of their lives, through the variety of programs that she has created.Sunanda is also a member of Indian Dietetic Association, actively participates in the programs arranged by IDA (AP Chapters).
She has done her research by using the Peptide based supplements in critically ill patients mainly with acute pancreatitis.She provides counseling to people with Type 1, Type 2, and Gestational Diabetes, as well as developing diabetes prevention plans. She works with both pediatrics and adults in the management of their diabetes, using the latest technology to help them achieve optimal blood glucose control.She has been a keynote speaker at conferences, lectures, schools and corporations across the state and achieved many rewards. She has spoken on countless topics such as weight management for both adults and children, diabetes, dining out, healthy eating while traveling, use of meal replacements.
She is also certified lactation consultant from Child Birth International (CBI), U.S, given speeches conducted by Danone Nutricia Symposium on Neonatal Nursing Practices (Lactation Management). She has also been training many individuals for lactation services. She gave a program on the importance of Breast feeding in many TV channels and she deals with the patients after the delivery by guiding them in establishing proper breast-feeding.She guides the patients in the antenatal period with different complicated pregnancies and also later gives the guidance regarding the diet and lactation as well. Her area of interests mainly include in nutritional management for constipation, anemia, low birth weight babies by providing healthier diet plans.
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