Dr Jairamchander Pingle
Sr Orthopedic Surgeon
Experience : 45 + years
Med Reg No : 2508
1860 500 1066     
MBBS; MS (Ortho); FRCS
Work Experience
- Registrar in Orthapaedics in prestigeous Princes Maragret Rose Orthopaedic Hospital & Royal Infirmary which are teaching hospitals.
- Worked under Prof.Jip James who was then chairman of Orthopaedic traning programme for Great Britain & poineer in field of scoliosis.
- After returning to India in 1972, Joined The Nizams Orthopaedic Hospital as pool officer under Dr.M. Ranga Readdy who pioneered field of Orthopaedics in Hyderabad.
- Later appointed as civil surgeon & Professor of Orthopaedic Nizams Institute of Orthopaedics upto 1986.
- Inducted in Ministry of Health Saudi Arabia as Senior Orthopadic Surgeon at King Fahd Central Hospital in year 1986
- Returned to India in 1988 & appointed as Co-Ordinator & Chief Orthopaedic Surgeon at Apollo Hospital, Hyderabad.
Professional Memberships
- Permanent Member, Indian Orthopedic Association (10A)
- Member, APIOA
- Member, Indo German Orthopedic Foundation
- Member, British Ortho Association
- Member, APOA
- Member, Twin Cities Orthopedic Association
- Member, Twin Cities Spine Association
Awards and Achievements
- Awarded the Vyageshwarudu gold medal for the best paper at Indian Orthopaedic Association
- The best doctor award in 1987 by the prince of Gizan, Saudi Arabia
- First to perform total hip replacement in Andhra Pradesh in 1976
- Started total knee transplant in 1989
- First to start Anterior Cervical Discectomy and stabilization with plates and screws
- First in state to start scoliosis surgery with Luque Technique in 1984

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