Dr Bipin Chandra Pal
Sr urologist
kidney transplant surgeon
Experience : 15 + years
Med Reg No : 30701
+91(40)4699 999     
- DNB (Urology) 2008
- M.Ch (Urology): Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research (JIPMER), Puducherry, 2004 -2007
- MS (General Surgery): Sarojini Naidu Medical College, Agra, 1992 - 2002
- MBBS: Rajendra Medical College, Ranchi, 1992 - 1997
- Professor- Urology and kidney transplantation surgery, Institute of Kidney Diseases and Research Centre- Institute of Transplantation Sciences (IKDRC-ITS), Ahmedabad (2016-2019)
- Associate professor, Urology and Kidney Transplantation Surgery at IKDRC-ITS, 2013 - 2016
- Associate professor, Urology and Kidney Transplantation Surgery at IKDRC-ITS, 2008 - 2013
- Rotatory posting as Senior Resident for renal transplantation at CMC, Vellore
- Senior Resident in Urology: Jawaharlal Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education and Research, Puducherry, August 2004 - August 2007
- Registrar Paediatric Surgery: Indraprastha Apollo Hospital, New Delhi, March 2003 - May 2003
- Junior Resident in General Surgery: S.N Medical College, Agra, May 1999 - May 2002
Services offered
- Endourology: Laser prostatectomy & RIRS, URS, PCNL,TURP,TURBT
- Laparoscopy: nephrectomy, Pyeloplasty (including pediatric), VVF Repair, Ureteric reimplant & adrenalectomy
- Robotic urology: Robotic ureteric reimplant, Robotic pyelolithotomy, Robotic kidney transplant, Robotic pyeloplasty, Robotic VV F repair
- Renal Transplant (Live +cadaver): Pediatric renal transplant, Dual kidney transplant, Graft nephrectomy, A- V Fistula
- Reconstructive Urology: E.E.A urethroplasty, BMG urethroplasty, PPU, Flap urethroplasty, PPU in prepubertal children, Yang-Montie repair for ureteric stric, Penn pouch for neglected exstrophy, Ileal replacement, Augmentation ileocystoplasty, Transvaginal VVF repair, O’conoor repair
- Pediatric urology: Pyeloplasty, Ureteric reimplant, Hypospadias, Epispadias, Valve fulguration
- Urooncology: Radical nephrectomy, Open Partial nephrectomy, Radical nephroureterectomy, Radical cystecomy, Adrenalectomy with liver transplant technique, Radical prostatectomy
Special Interest and Expertise
- Retroperitoneoscopic surgery with more than 1500 cases including retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy, partial nephrectomy and adrenalectomy
- Laparoscopic & robotic urology & endourology surgeries including robotic kidney transplant
- Advanced endourology including lasers for stones and prostate
- Reconstructive surgeries including complex urethroplasty, upper tract reconstruction
- Experience of more than 800 kidney transplant including second and third transplant
Professional Membership
- Urology Society of India
- European Urology Association
- Indian Society of Organ Transplantation
Research & Publications
- The Learning Curve of Pure Retroperitoneoscopic Donor Nephrectomy - Bipin C. Pal, Pranjal R. Modi, Syed J. Rizvi, Rohit Chauhan, Suresh Kumar,Ramya Nagarajan, Devashish Kaushal, Vivek B. Kute, Hargovind L. Trivedi, International Journal of Organ Transplantation Medicine - accepted dated 21st March, 2017
- Pure Retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy in Duplication of Inferior vena cava: A Series of four cases. Bipin C. Pal, Pranjal R.Modi, Syed J. Rizvi, Rohit Chauhan, Suresh Kumar, Shruti P Gandhi , Vivek B. Kute, Hargovind L.Trivedi. Urology Annals. accepted dated June, 2017
- Progressive perineal urethroplasty for pelvic fracture urethral distraction defect in prepubertal children: The outcome Pal BC, Modi PR, Qadri SJ, Modi J, Kumar S, Nagarajan R, Safee Y. Progressive Perineal Urethroplasty for Pelvic Fracture Urethral Distraction Defect in Prepubertal Children: The Outcome. J Indian Assoc Pediatr Surg. 2017 Jan-Mar; 22 (1):23-28
- Buccal mucosal graft urethroplasty in patients awaiting renal transplantation: Pal BC, Modi PR, Modi J, Nagarajan R, Kumar S, Patel K, Saifee Y, Sarmah A Trivedi HL. Transplant Proc. 2016 Jan-Feb;48(1):21-5
- Robotic assisted kidney transplantation. Modi P, Pal B, Modi J, Kumar S, Sood A, Menon M. Indian J Urol 2014;30:287-92
- Retroperitoneoscopic Living-Donor Nephrectomy and Laparoscopic Kidney Transplantation: Experience of Initial 72 Cases. Modi P, Pal B, Modi J, Singla S, Patel C, Patel R, Padhy S, T K, Patel K, Rizvi J, Sharma S, Sharma V, Modi M, Shah VR, Trivedi HL. Transplantation. 2013; 95(1):100-5
- Spontaneous closure of urethrovaginal fistula associated with pelvic fracture. Pal BC, Modi P, Modi J, Kumar S, Patel C. Indian J Urol. 2013;29:251-2
- Laparoscopic Kidney Transplantation: An Initial Experience. Authors-Modi P, Rizvi J, Pal Bipin chandra, Bharadwaj R, Trivedi P, Trivedi A, Patel K, Shah K, Vyas J, Sharma S, Shah K, Chauhan R, Trivedi H
- Laparoscopic Excision of a Congenital Seminal Vesicle Cyst Associated with Ipsilateral Renal Agenesis. Authors- Shah K, Pal Bipin chandra, Rizvi SJ, Modi P
- Dual kidney transplantation from expanded criteria deceased donors: Initial experience from single center Authors-Pranjal Modi, Jamal Rizvi, Bipinchandra Pal, Hargovind Trivedi, VeenaShah, Manisha Modi, Aruna Vanikar (Indian J urol. 2011 27(1): 30-33)
- Living donor paired-kidney exchange transplantation: A single institution experience Authors Pranjal Modi, S. J. Rizvi, Bipin chandra Pal, Raghuvir Baradwaj, Sandeep Gupta, Veena Shah, Manisha Modi, Pankaj Shah, and Hargovind Trived (Indian J Urol. 2010 Oct–Dec; 26(4): 511–514)
- Laparoscopic Pyelovesicostomy for Giant Hydronephrosis in a Solitary Kidney. Authors - Bipin C. Pal, Shailesh A. Shah, Sandeep Gupta, Pankaj trivedi ( urologia internationalis (2010;84:242-244)
- Giant Obstructive Megaureter Causing Contralateral Ureteral Obstruction and Hydronephrosis: A First-time Report Authors- Nikhil Khattar, Lalgudi N. Dorairajan,. Santosh Kumar, Bipin C. Pal, Subramanium Elangovan, and Prasant Nayak (Urology, Volume 74, December 2009)
- Single stage correction of urinary incontinence and Vaginoplasty in a case of Urethral coitus with vaginal agenesis Authors- Nikhil Khattar, L.N Dorairajan, Santosh Kumar, S. Soundarraghavan, Bipin C Pal. (Urologia internationalis,Vol.81, 2008)
- Latzko Repair for vesicovaginal fistula Revisited in the Era of Minimal access surgery Authors - L.N Dorairajan, Nikhil Khattar, Santosh Kumar, Bipin C.Pal. (International journal of urology, Vol.40, 2008)
- Adult Wilms’ Tumor Masquerading As Pyonephrosis: A Diagnostic Dilemma Authors- Nikhil Khattar, Santosh Kumar, L. N. Dorairajan , Bipin C. Pal and Kone Kalyan Ram (Indian journal of surgery, Vol.70, Oct.2008)
- Generalised Seizure- A Rare Aetiology of Intraperitoneal Rupture of the Urinary Bladder: Authors- Bipin C. Pal, Santosh Kumar, Lalgudi N. Dorairajan, Nikhil Khattar. (Indian Journal of Urology, Volume 23, 2007)
Awards and Achievements
- ISOT 2016 Chandigarh - Won the 2nd best prize for Duplication of inferior vena cava in Retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy
- USICON- 2016 Robotic dual kidney transplantation - Chandigarh best video prize session
- ISOT 2015, Chennai - Best oroposter award for the learning curve of retroperitoneoscopic donor nephrectomy
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